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Do adults need fluoride in water | Is fluoridated water safe for drinking?

Do adults need fluoride in water


It is very important to know Do adults need fluoride in water? Yes, adults need fluoride but in a regulated manner. In nations where fluoride is purposefully added to drinking water, their teeth become stronger than others. However, there is evidence that even modest levels of fluoridated drinking water may harm a baby’s brain development.

Fluoridation of drinking water was formerly hailed as one of the twentieth century’s most significant public health accomplishments. Fluoride is a chemical typically found in toothpaste and is thought to help prevent dental decay. Fluoride is mostly obtained from drinking water. It is one of the reasons why it is added to the water supply in several nations. On the other hand, many individuals are worried about the possible dangers of fluoridated drinking water.

So I will enlighten the facts of using fluoride water for adults and explain the safety and risk associated with it. Keep reading and enjoy the article! 

What Is Fluoride?

It’s naturally found in water, soil, plants, rocks, and air. It is commonly used in dentistry to maintain enamel (the outer layer of teeth) and helps to prevent cavities. Its small amount is added to public drinking water supplies in the United States and many other countries. This process is known as water fluoridation.

Is Drinking Fluoridated Water Safe?

According to the National Institute of Health, after scientists discovered that individuals who lived in communities with greater fluoride levels had fewer cavities, water fluoridation started in certain regions of the United States in 1945. fluoridated tap water was first recommended by the United States Public Health Service (PHS) in 1962.

is drinking fluoridated water safe?
Fluoride water for health

In a study of Harvard Public Health, it is stated that “Countries lack of fluoridated water have also observed big drops in the rate of cavities”.

Fluoridated tap water is currently present in public provided to about three out of four Americans. At the state or municipal level, the decision is taken whether or not fluoride should be added to drinking water. Fluorosilicic acid, sodium fluorosilicate, and sodium fluoride are some of the fluoride compounds that have been introduced to various water systems throughout the years. Naturally occurring fluoride may be found in natural drinking water sources in the United States, albeit the concentrations are substantially greater at certain locations than at others.

Do adults need fluoride in water?

To be sure, it is especially vital for adults as well as newborns and children between the ages of 6 months and 16 years to be exposed to fluoride throughout their development. Permanent teeth form with it, making it more difficult for acids to demineralize the teeth as they mature. However, it is still vital to continue utilizing it as an adult to avoid falling behind.

So what does fluoride do to your teeth? When you brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste or use other dental products, the fluoride is administered to the surface of your teeth, which is beneficial. It provides what is referred to as a “topical” advantage. In addition to providing a topical benefit, the fluoride you consume via meals and drinks continues to do so because it becomes part of your saliva, continually bathing your teeth in small quantities of fluoride that help repair fragile tooth enamel.

Can adults get benefit from fluoride?

Yes,  adults can benefit from fluoridated tap water without a doubt! Saliva remineralizes teeth and aids in the prevention of dental cavities. According to popular belief, fluoride mostly strengthens teeth while still growing or is only beneficial for children. However, there is some good news! The use of topical fluorides, such as those found in toothpaste, mouth rinses, and fluoride treatments, has been shown to prevent tooth decay, commonly known as caries, in persons of all ages. Patients over 65 who suffer from dry mouth, known as xerostomia, may benefit from fluoride treatment. Xerostomia is a common adverse effect of drugs, and the amount of saliva we produce gradually decreases as we get older.

Do adults need fluoride treatments?

Many dentists and dental hygienists prescribe Fluoride dental treatments for their adult patients, which is becoming more common. Remember that most insurance plans only cover fluoride treatments up to 18 years old.

For dental products consumers, it is important to understand that topical fluoride treatments given by a dental professional have been found to provide a considerable benefit for individuals who are at moderate to high risk for cavities. There are several instances in which adults should get additional fluoride protection. Many prescription drugs cause dry mouth due to decreased saliva flow or other side effects. A decrease in saliva production increases the likelihood of developing cavities.

  • Gum recession, which exposes a portion of the root surface of teeth in adults, is a common occurrence. Considering that they are softer than the hard enamel on top of the tooth, these regions are more vulnerable to decay.
  • Aside from that, adults are often treated for restorative treatment like crowns or bridges. Fluoride may assist in safeguarding the margins of these restorations, so preserving your investment in the long run.
  • Orthodontic therapy (braces) is more popular among adults these days. Patients who wear braces find it more difficult to maintain appropriate oral hygiene due to the braces. Ask your children! Even though orthodontic equipment is in the way, fluoride may help maintain the teeth strong and cavity-free.
  • Fluoride Treatments and Dental health Fluoride dental products have several health advantages for both children and adults throughout their lives. Fluoride is beneficial to children under eight because it helps strengthen the adult (permanent) teeth forming under the gums. Fluoride in drinking water helps strengthen tooth enamel in adults, allowing them to maintain strong and healthy teeth. Fluoride supplements have several health advantages, including the following:
  • There are fewer cavities.
  • Less severe cavities.
  • Fillings and tooth extractions are less often required.
  • There will be less pain and suffering as a result of tooth decay.
  • Mouthwashes containing fluoride: Dental professionals may prescribe fluoride supplements such as mouth rinses for adults and children ages eight and above suffering from tooth decay. Fluoride mouth rinses should be used regularly, in addition to brushing twice daily with fluoride toothpaste containing at least 1,350ppm. It would help if you used rinses at various intervals from brushing to prevent washing away the fluoride in the toothpaste, which would lessen the positive benefits of the fluoride.
  • Fluoride varnish: A fluoride varnish with high fluoride concentrations is painted onto the tooth’s surface every six months to prevent decay. It works by hardening the enamel of the teeth, making them more resistant to cavities. Depending on the situation, a dentist may apply fluoride varnish to both baby and adult teeth. Fluoride varnish treatment should be provided to youngsters starting at three, at least twice a year. It is recommended that fluoride varnish be applied twice or more times a year to children of all ages who have tooth decay or are at high risk of developing it.
Source: Florida Department of Health | Community Water Fluoridation

What are the Risks Associated With Fluoride Use?

It says, “Say no to fluoride at dentists” because there are various risks associated with it. Its always been a controversial issue whether fluoride is beneficial or harmful. There have been some concerns raised about the possibility that adults need fluoride in water. Reviews of the hazards have so far shown that there is no solid evidence to back up these fears. It is considered that fluoridated tap water might be connected to several health problems. However, if a child’s teeth are exposed to an excessive amount of fluoride while growing, a disease known as dental fluorosis may emerge.

In addition, there are some health effects of fluorides in drinking water. A high fluoride toothpaste may cause the enamel of the teeth to become pitted or discolored in severe cases. When there is just little dental fluorosis present, it appears as extremely tiny pearly white lines or flecking on the surface of the teeth. In the United Kingdom, fluorosis is seldom severe enough to cause significant damage to the look of the teeth enamel. Furthermore, the Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI) closely monitors water fluoridation in drinking water and adjusts them as needed to ensure that they are safe.

World Health Organization has recommended the standard level of fluoride. The shielding effects of fluoride increase with concentration up to about 2 mg of fluoride per liter of drinking water; the minimum concentration is required to produce it is around 0.5 mg/l. Exposure to excess fluorine for the long term can have the effects given below.

Most common Cons of fluoride in drinking water 

  • Most people feel unscrupulous forms of mass medication.
  • Fluoride dosage is uncontrolled. 
  • Excess fluoride causes dental fluorosis, creating white smears or stains on teeth, forming pits in teeth, or even damaging the enamel.
  • Multiple studies reported tooth decay.
  • Most developed countries like Japan and 97% of western Europe don’t add fluoride to water.
  • Studies have reported that low fluoride levels impart negative effects like thyroid disorders, bone fractures, and impaired brain development and function.

Fluoride Water Filters

If your water is excess fluoridated, then do water filters remove fluoride? Yes, there are so many systems like water filter pitchers, reverse osmosis systems, and distillers that can remove the surplus amount. 

The quantity of fluoridated drinking water that your family gets is determined by the home water treatment system installed in your house. Fluoride is completely removed from the water using the best fluoride water filters. Depending on the system, you may remove anything from 65 percent to 95 percent of the fluoride. Water softeners and charcoal/carbon filters, on the other hand, are not typically effective in removing fluoridated tap water. One exception is that certain activated carbon filters include activated alumina, which may remove up to 80 percent of fluoride from the water.


If you are concerned about whether adults need fluoride in water, there are a variety of fluoride-free alternatives available. Remember to use it with a consistent brushing regimen and frequent dental appointments to ensure that cavities and decay do not develop. You should not underestimate the fact that fluoridated drinking water has favorable effects on dental growth and provides prevention against cavities. Moreover, if your water is too fluoridated, you can use the best filters for it. Additionally, if you need any help, contact BestFiltersLife.


Some others question’s answers for our readers that might be helpful for reading.

What is the best way to check fluoride levels in water at home?

There are many ways to check fluoridated drinking water in water at home. Your community water system may provide information on the amounts of fluoride present in your drinking water if you get your drinking water from a public source such as a city or town water system. The fluoridated drinking water from a private source, such as a well, is evaluated by a recognized laboratory if the water comes from a private source. You may call the Environmental Protection Agency’s Safe Drinking Water Hotline for more general information regarding water fluoridation safety.

Does fluoride in drinking water calcify the pineal gland, and what does that do?

Water fluoridation does not cause calcification of the pineal gland. The pineal gland becomes calcified as a result of calcium exposure. The pineal gland develops hydroxyapatite crystals as humans get older, with which fluoride has a strong affinity. Fluoride may be found in high concentrations in this mineral. Fluoride is coupled to calcium in the body and may be found in various locations throughout the body. The body absorbs fluoride in proportion to the amount of calcium deposited in the body; therefore, it seems natural that highly calcified pineal glands would likewise have high quantities of fluoride present in them. It is a beneficial change in the teeth and bones because it helps to strengthen them (to a point).

Why avoid fluoride in toothpaste

sometimes it is better to use fluoride-free toothpaste because Ingesting fluoride toothpaste can direct to fluorosis, which interrupts the development of tooth enamel and can cause white streaks on the teeth, and gastric issues if a large amount is taken.

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